MOSIS Foundation - MOdels and SYStems; Art and City



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“The Postman always rings twice” motion to change policies of mail distribution in Spain

In Spain, the hallway, the main entrance to apartment buildings occupies the third place in robberies with violence, only superceeded by mall parking lots and the street; being about the same in number as assaulta in the park. In the Ministry of Interior report 2002-2003, the number of assault with violence against the body, following the criteria of location is as follows:  street (73.279); malls (6.072); main entrance to apartment buildings ( 2,048); park (2.327).

…”Post man, buzz me in” This is the way the mail is delivered in Spain. But how can I know he/she is really the postman if my buzzer doesn’t have a video camera installed? I don’t.” Don’t buzz in anybody unless you are certain who they are” is the recommendation from the police department The policy to delivered mail in Spain is in clear contradiction with the crime prevention advice given by the police. In 2004 I started a request to change mail-delivering policies in Spain.