MOSIS Foundation - MOdels and SYStems; Art and City



Resolution Office






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The sandwich City College and Columbia University

Guidelines for a field research:

1.Area: City College to Columbia University; from 131 to 116; from Convent Ave. to Broadway

New construction: Plan of the area looking lots’ heights every two years. Conversion: renovation or change in the code, from rent stabilized to regular rent or from rentals to condos.

3. Type of Property
Rentals and type of rent, or private owners, or condos.

4. Security
Measure security in the buildings. Cross security with rentals or private owners and with type of rent.

5.Crime reports
Crime in the building + Criminals living in the building (through Police precint 126, FOIL)

Appearance of building. Users; design of building; circulation; services; Cross the inside conditions: roof allows roof traffic, visibility, lights, elevators, hallways etc with the number of crime and type.

With the above see patterns of real state development in the area. See if the “million-dollar blocks” phenomenon is actually a strategy of speculation, by concentrating the crime permit to develop the area around it.

Architecture: Interventions inside buildings to control the indoors semi private space.
Urbanism: minimum operations that could have visible effects to counteract the plan of the area. Property and regulations: Strategies with the community.