
Around 2005 all my work focus on the city and specifically New York. I started with a series of research and actions produced draft toward policy changing in all aspect of cities: from its cultural items, museums, to safety and real estate developments. New York was the lab. I involved: Gabriel Park, a lawyer, Adeola Enigbokan a sociologist and Simon Lund a photographer, started working under the name of Civic Gaps in 2006 and officially register in 2008 CIVIC GAPS Think-Tank (DBU in New York in January 14 2008).
By that time the aim of Civic Gaps, was clear: Tackling defects in regulations or customs governing everyday life situations in cities. For example: a tenant cannot change the lock on a front entrance door to an apartment building, only a landlord can…. The result is paradoxical; it is safe to walk in the streets but dangerous to be indoors. One study in this direction is Transition and Strategies in real estate development.
The projects were not finished proposal but drafts that later on generate projects, among then were: RED, an agency controlling the transition in areas under construction or targeted to be developed; -Hi, House Inspector Random Visit; The Postman always calls twice, motion to change policies of mail distribution in Spain; -City Reservoir; -The Art resort; -Rape New York. Part of this research became books (Rape New York, I Condo NY) the ideas and the bases of Civic Gaps was the base to constitute the MOSIS Foundation where part of these project are under development.