Resolution Office: Applied programs
As a consultant, MOSIS responds to second party initiatives, such as grants, competitions, and commissions and offers, studies and proposal to real problems, on any scale, from cultural policy makers, to municipalities, art centers and architecture and urban offices.
The work is done as an investigator and not as a service, offering more than is requested. In front of a problem the problem is evaluated as result of situation, offering an alternative to change the situation that creates the problem in the first place.
Customized Models and Systems for Art Centers and Cultural entities
A report of the state is made, creating a logical map where to visualize the parameters and relations. With the map on the table, we work with the entity seeing the desired effects and the elements that should be modified, deleted or entered. The new model is conceptualized and the new system redesigned.
Model and Systems made to order for art and culture spaces
Past Programs