Pay to Play

By Simon Lund

In the traditional job market in the United States it is illegal to ask for
money from a job applicant yet in the art world it is not only acceptable, it is
almost universal. What is the difference, to me I see none and find it extreamly
exploitative. Here are two examples from my inbox today.

Mientras que en el  mercado tradicional del trabajo de Estados Unidos es ilegal
pedir dinero a aquel que está optando a un trabajo, en el arte es algo aceptado y una práctica universal.
Cuál es la diferencia entre otro mercado de trabajo y el del arte? Yo no vea ninguna que
justifique está explotación. Dos ejemplos de esta práctica

Each participating artist may submit 1-3 single images for a fee of $25 or 4-6
single images for a fee of $50.

One-on-One Portfolio Review

Meet one-on-one with Humble’s executive director, amani olu. One-hour session:
$100. Click here to learn more or to make an appointment today.

One Comment

  • Simon Lund wrote:

    Today I was looking for video art festivals in europe and found that some are starting to charge, like a festival in rome wanted 15 euro to submit an entry. I am providing free content for their festival, I should pay for this privilage? Fight this when you see it or it will only grow.

    Simon Lund

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